4amcab Edinburgh Fringe tour 2013 – Day 1


This is venue number 33, the Pleasance courtyard. I could quite happily just put a tent up in the middle of the square and spend August popping in and out to shows all day, every day.

But then my eyes would eventually start bleeding, and that would be bad for all concerned.

So today I saw some amazing stuff. Max and Ivan were amazing, totally cohesive sketch comedy full of great characters and subtle observational dialogue.

Doc Brown was angry, eloquent and trying to find his way through the phase of his life where he’s left rap behind and is moving onto adult things. Sorry, grown up things.

Then the late night cabaret featured the brilliantly surreal Tony Law and Benny Boot. Both utterly joyous.

Lots of stuff to think about for the podcast, Lee will be getting an earful when I get back to London.

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Off to the fringe

It’s 0652 and 4amcab is killing time in Pret at Kings Cross, waiting for the 0930 train to Edinburgh Waverley. Derek’s in a mood, Squish the seal has had an altercation with a luggage trolley and Mairead is talking about the time she went to Edinburgh with her ex-husband, Martin, and discovered he was having a torrid affair with someone called Jenny.

This trip is not looking promising.

But we’re a comedy podcast and stoked to be going up to the craziest comedy festival in the universe. It may be the tail end, it may only be for two days, but 4amcab is on the road and we’re super excited.

I hate to think what Lee’s reaction to the expenses claim will be.

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Crash, burn and rise from the ashes

Depending upon whether you use twitter or facebook (come on, you must have heard of them?!) you will probably know that 4amcab had a bit of a setback with the last episode.  I rather cleverly managed to drop the external hard drive that contained all the recordings and, more heartbreakingly, the work-in-progress edit of the show. 


I had no back up except for a copy of the raw studio recordings with the actors.  I lost everything else.  This means all the mixes that I’d done for the past ten episodes have all been converted from 1’s and 0’s into just, well, nothings.

Before we even started work on the very first script for Series 2, we announced that all the episodes would be released on the 1st of the month, we call it 4amcab Day.  I dropped the hard drive – only 6 inches, I should add – four days before the deadline.  I usually spend about two weeks on the edit, at a nice leisurely pace, so I don’t get too rushed with it.  I now had four days to redo what I had almost finished. 

I spent the first day in denial that it was gone.  I went to see a computer specialist to try retirieve my hard work but it was to no avail.  The only way to get the stuff back was to send it to a professional with a dust-free “clean room” who would like to charge me anything from £500 – £5,000 to get my work back.  That would have taken at least two weeks so didn’t help with the imminent deadline and I don’t make Crystal Meth for a living, so I couldn’t afford the price tag.

The only course of action was to hold my hands up (once I’d stopped wiping the tears from my face) and say we’d miss the deadline this month.  4amcab Day would be postponed, at least a few days.  Then something wonderful happened.  I sat down to recreate my masterpiece and it all fell into place.  As I’d been working on it for the last ten days it was all fresh in my memory and I found that my muscle memory (and actual memory) started to remember what I’d done.  I was racing through the episode.  Another stroke of luck was that my cohort, Rachel, had planned to be at the recording but instead sacked it off to drink Pimms at the cricket.  So I had sent her an initial cut of the story for the episode of just the actors performances for her approval.  I was able to pull that off my email and had the starting blocks for S2Ep4 – Spudmarine.


As we credit all the music we use under a Creative Commons licence, I had even kept a record of what music I had used so I was quickly able to download it again and chuck it in the mix.  After a few days of hardcore editing, I had recreated the first mix of the episode.  Then it was just a case of listening back and making notes and adding in extra sound effects to bring it to life.


The episode went out a little later in the day than usual but 4amcab Day was celebrated as usual, more so in fact.  The moral of the story is Don’t Drop Your Hard Drive or Back Your 5hit Up!

It turned out to be a really good episode, listen to the results here.  Also follow us on twitter and like us on facebook if you want to get the inside scoop on what’s going on with 4amcab.

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S2Ep4: Spudmarine

Time: 0400 hours
Location: Onboard a high tech, high spec, military stealth submarine, somewhere in the Pacific Ocean
Mission: Classified
Additional: Woof!

Elsewhere, Svetlana has invited her new man to meet her Mother, but things are not going to plan. Derek and Merrick the (Bi) bipolar (Polar?) bears continue their adventures and there’s a tense stand off.

PLUS! 4am products for you this week: A must-read magazine for new parents and also an upgrade for life itself.

Your 4amcab awaits, just.

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This is information for those that subscribe in iTunes or receive the show using the RSS feed.

We’ve decided to split the podcast into series, so we will have two feeds of the show from now on.  This means that all the episodes from Series 1 will be together on the original iTunes and RSS feed and all the episodes from Series 2 will be on a new feed.  I order to continue to receive the new episodes as they are released you will need to subscribe to the all new Series 2 feed in iTunes.  Here are the links you need:

Series 1
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/id526057669
RSS: http://feeds.feedburner.com/4amcabpodcast

Series 2
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/id673565517
RSS: http://4amcab.com/category/series2/feed

The reason we’ve done this is to try to attract new listeners in iTunes as we will show up twice in searches.  Please subscribe to both Series 1 & Series 2 to make sure you get all the 4amcab goodness.

Any questions, send them in to us at ideas@4amcab.com or hit us up on twitter.

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Drawing Derek

Back when I was at school, I used to do a lot of drawing.  I thought back then that I might be an artist, probably a cartoonist.  I’ve let my skills lapse a bit since then and now most of my sketches are of painfully simple trains for my 3 year old’s enjoyment.

My life took a different path, I ended up working in radio and making this podcast.  Great.  What links my past self with my current one (and this blog post) is that we’d like to give Derek the Bi Polar Bear a face (and a body for that matter).  So, are you an artist, probably a cartoonist?  Would you like to provide the face (and body) of Derek?  Yes?  Good.  Then we want to hear from you.

Have a listen to this: Derek the Bi Polar Bear then open up your pencil case and send us your charcoal sketch, pen and ink scribble, watercolour or digital design.  We’ll feature them on the website (as long as they’re not too rude!) and the best one will be the official face (and body) of Derek.  The address to send them to us, is the usual one: ideas@4amcab.com

I wonder what Squish and the Voice Over Lady look like too?


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S2Ep3: Paper Cut

One year ago, Graham and Samantha got married.  As an anniversary treat, Graham has whisked his darling wife on a secret weekend away, only she’s probably not going to be as excited when she finds out what they’re doing.  There are a lot of surprises in store, so just maybe Graham can put this one out of the bag, or something?!

There’s some good news for Svetlana as her search for love shows signs of turning around.  We’ve developed a solution for our follically challenged listeners and we offer a chance for you to even out the playing field for your smug “friends”.  And we’re dead thrilled that we’ve got an exclusive interview with an up and coming band.

AND, has Derek met his match?

Strap in for another ride in the 4amcab.

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Send us your stuff!

We’re half way through Series 2 now, so we thought it’s the perfect time to re-open our inbox and ask if you’ve got anything to send us for the show.  We are not going to set a deadline but we record the next two episodes on Monday 15th July, so you’ve got less than two weeks to make it into the next two shows.  The final episode of the series will be recorded in September, so don’t worry if you’ve got nothing right now.

So what do we want?  The current run has taken on a pattern and what we want is the following:

4 x story scenes (set at 4am)
2 x adverts
2 x stand alone character sketches

If you’ve not listened to the show before, then it’s vital that you do.  We get a lot of stuff we can’t use which is too dark/offensive/sexually explicit/too long/not funny, so try to write something that would easily fit into a previous episode. You can listen to a lot of our sketches on www.audioboo.com/4amcab

Have a look at our writer’s guidelines to give you more information about writing for the show.  Send your scripts to us at the following email address: ideas@4amcab.com

We credit everyone who writes for us and it’s a great opportunity to have your work professionally produced, so do get in touch.  Ask us a question on twitter too, if you like.

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4amcab on the Radio

When you switch on your radio, it’s usually pretty easy to figure out whether you’re listening to the BBC or one of the many Commercial stations available in the UK.  Well, a new force is rising that wants to add a third level of choice for the listener.  British Public Radio, or BPR, has a vision of a third sector that can challenge the BBC and it’s Public Service diversity whilst also offering a commercial return for investors.


Here at 4amcab, we’re all for this new platform and have recently joined the BPR family.  You can now hear our first episode on BPR.  Of course, you can continue to download our shows on iTunes and directly from this website, but you can enjoy us as part of a stream of other similar programmes on the BPR website.  This means you’ll be able to discover a wide variety of interesting and entertaining programmes that will compliment our show.

BPR offer a diverse range of speech programming from drama and comedy to documentaries and current affairs.  Some of the names you can hear on BPR include Bill Bailey, Olly and Helen from Answer Me This! Miranda Hart, Ben Fogle, Greg Wallace and Quentin Wilson.

So how can you listen?  Well, go to their website and click on the listen link:  www.britishpublicradio.com  If you have a smart phone, you can get BPR on the Tune-in app, simply search for British Public Radio and off you go.  Those that are more ahead of the curve may have purchased an Internet Radio and you can listen to BPR on there too.

It’s very much early days for British Public Radio but we hope there might be a bright future for the project and we’re very pleased to be associated with them.

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Interview: Chris Baker

Here at 4amcab, we are very lucky to have a talented crop of actors that work tirelessly to make the show sound totally awesome.  Our longest serving “thesp” comes in the shape of Chris Baker.  He’s been with us since the very first episode, and boy, hasn’t he grown!  We complied some questions, tied him to a table and forced him to answer them:

Chris in Roberto Zucco

4amcab: Thanks for putting up with our silly show for so long.
CB: A pleasure – Where else could I be a Bi Polar Bear or a Glaswegian Woman in the space of 5 minutes?  Outside of WoW

4amcab: So who are you?
CB: I’m Chris, mostly… I’m an incredibly shy extrovert, I’m constantly acting up but it makes me really really nervous!?!

4amcab: It’s fair to say that you are a natural performer but who is your favourite character to play from the show and why?
CB: Without a doubt Derek, I love letting loose after he pops his pills, in fact the crazier the part the better.

4amcab: How did you first get into acting and what was your first (or favourite) part?
CB: I’ve always been exposed to acting starting with school plays.  I was always the bad guy, actually that’s not true I was also a tree once.  My Uncle was in footlights and my Aunt is Wizadora – still can’t watch it without bleeding from the eyes.  And I studied Philosophy & Drama at University  – I can argue any point and still look like I mean it.  I guess it was Uni where I realised how much I enjoyed acting and realised I might not be that terrible.  The cheap booze really helps with anxiety issues!!!.  My favourite acting experience came from playing Dr Frank-N-Furter in a production of the Rocky Horror Show at Wall Hall students union.  It was insanely low rent, practically just karaoke with an audience, but I loved every second of it.

4amcab: Finally, where else can we see or hear your work?
CB: This week I’m at the Maltings Theatre, St Albans, playing Roberto Zucco in a show entitled Roberto Zucco, being performed by Breakaway Theatre Company (really enjoying the Psycho roles at the moment ;-)). I want to write a Sci-Fi for the stage, it’s in my head but I’ve just got to sit down and get on with it, and there are some rumblings about me directing an original piece for Breakaway.

4amcab: Thanks again for being in the show.
CB: Piss Wizard

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