Thank You

Well, I’ve been blow away. 

When I opened the submission window on the 1st of February I was expecting only a handful of people to send in their ideas.  Boy, was I wrong!

I’ve literally just finished logging everything that’s been sent in and even with my basic maths I can count almost 200 sketches.  Thank you so much to everyone who has spent countless hours writing stuff for consideration, it is very much appreciated.  I’ve only managed to read about a tenth of what I’ve been sent so far but already I can see a few sketches that could work.  The inclusion of themes for series 3 really seems to have helped writers to focus their ideas and hopefully it will also make the episodes a bit more joined up… well maybe.

I aim to have read through everything over the next few weeks and so I’ll commit to letting everyone know if they’ve been successful by Tuesday 1st April.  This should put series 3 on track for the first episode being released in May, but I’m not going to put that in bold just yet.

1st April

For series 3, I plan to record more than I need and cut sketches that don’t work out in the recording which is a common policy on shows like the BBC’s Newsjack and The Show What You Wrote.  The idea with this is to be left with the strongest material whilst giving everything that I like a good chance.  Hopefully this also will encourage those that get recorded but not used that they are on the right path for the show.

So thanks once again for sending in your work, it’s good to know that people like 4amcab enough to spend their time submitting sketches.

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